
* CSCB Tools [#ke7d1029]


CSCB (Construct State machine Cutting Bridges method) Tools are developed in this laboratory for supporting the design, development, and verification of a system based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture).

In SOA, an information system is built by
composing independent software units called services.
The problem of synthesizing a concrete model
from an abstract specification is known as the choreography realization problem (CRP). The abstract specification,
called choreography; the concrete model
is called service implementation, which defines the behavior of the service.

We develops a software tool, which is called CSCB Tools, on the CRP.
We proposed a subset of UML, which is called cbUML, to describe choreography and service implementations.
In cbUML, a choreography is represented by a communication diagram; a service implementation is represented by a state machine.
In [[[1]>http://dx.doi.org/10.1587/transinf.E97.D.1171]], we propose a method for converting a communication diagram into a set of state machines.

:[[[1]>http://dx.doi.org/10.1587/transinf.E97.D.1171]]|Toshiyuki Miyamoto, Yasuwa Hasegawa, and Hiroyuki Oimura, ``An Approach for Synthesizing Intelligible State Machine Models from Choreography Using Petri Nets,'' IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Vol.E97-D, No.5, pp.1171-1180, 2014.

** Developed Environment [#x23850ec]
- CSCB Tools is a plugin for Rational Software Architect by IBM.
&br;(People in at accredited institutions can use the RSA without charge by registering as a member of [[IBM Academic Initiative>http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/jp/university/academicinitiative/]].
- Implemented:
--[[Synthesizing state machine from communication diagram>Synthesis(Eng)]]
** Download [#n163fdee]

- You can download jar file from [[here>http://is.eei.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/miyamoto/CSCBTools/jp.ac.osaka-u.eng.eei.cscb_0.1.0.jar]].

** Install [#xa22fc33]

- Put the jar file in ''plugins'' folder of RSA.

** Instruction [#lde01dc6]

- Synthesizing state machine from communication diagram
-- [[Example1(asynchronous communications)>Synthesis(Eng)]]
-- [[Example2(synchronous and asynchronous communications)>Synthesis2(Eng)]]

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